Our Mission

There are a lot of charitable organisations out there which are doing a tremendous amount of good in our world. Providing aid, welfare and education in the furthest reaches of the globe, philanthropic groups work tirelessly to provide people with the support that they need. 

With all that they give, it's sometimes easy to forget that non-profits may also be in need of help themselves.

That’s where the idea for the Wahegru Foundation came from. Working as a platform with the simple aim of supporting non-profit groups, we pool resources from like minded and warm-hearted people, people who want to get together and give back.

With the backing of our founding partner at Wahegru Investments, the Wahegru Foundation works to provide support for any non-profit which could do with an extra hand.

So if you’re seeking some additional help for a philanthropic project or if you'd just like to give back to others, then please do get in touch with us.

Campaign Assistance

Providing help with organising and executing ideas

Strategic Planning

Helping organisations implement a strategic and thought out approach to accomplishing their goals

Brand Building

Enhancing brand equity using advertising campaigns and promotional strategies

People Power

Providing hands on help

Our Recent Projects

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